About Always Green
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Always Green, Inc. is a locally owned and operated hydro seeding company servicing all of Rhode Island. Since 2004 we have been providing hydro- seeding and erosion control services for residential and commercial properties. We specialize in planting quality home lawns for a fraction of the cost of sod. 

In addition to our hydro seed and erosion control products, we continue to add additional services for all your landscape and lawn care needs. Explore our site to see all our products and services we offer.

©2024 Always Green Incorporated, all rights reserved.
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Please read the following before calling us back.

Make sure you follow all instructions carefully that we left with you after we hydroseeded.

Lack of water

Your new lawn needs to stay as moist as possible for the first 3-4 weeks. Even though you see some grass there are many seeds that still have not germinated. Different types of seeds germinate at different times. If your lawn is thinner in the direct sunlight compared to a shadier area you need to compensate with more water in the sunnier areas. Sprinklers set up behind trees can block water. Some areas require moving sprinklers or hand watering.

Wash Outs

Always Green, Inc. uses a tackifier (glue) to bond all the materials we are applying to the soil. Once the application is sprayed it will need to dry completely before it is watered. This application will tolerate a moderate rain storm. If there is torrential rain we can not guarantee  there will not be a wash out. In most cases after a heavy rain it will look like the green mulch has washed away but usually it is just the green dye that has washed out. There are usually a lot of seeds under the dirt you can't see and over time these areas will fill in. Not diverting downspouts will certainly wash hydroseed away. Every effort must be taken to minimize the risk. If your lawn needs to be re-sprayed because of a washout Always Green, Inc. will work to correct the problem at a nominal fee.

Lack of Nitrogen

Your lawn may cast a yellowing appearance after about a month. The reason for this is your new lawn is starving for nitrogen. Nitrogen is the part of fertilizer that gives your lawn its color and top growth. Once your lawn is fertilized for the first time you will see a surge in growth and color. Be sure to water the fertilizer in thoroughly. DO NOT USE WEED KILLER!

​Diseases & Fungicide

Pythium or Dampening Out could infect your new lawn. Within 14-17 days after installation spray your new lawn with a fungicide. Call a local professional that does Turf Spraying or stop by a local Nursery/Turf Supply Outlet and pick up the appropriate fungicide and do it yourself. (The label must specify that the product is for Pythium.) Remember, if the fungus is not treated, a dampening out of your entire lawn may occur in which all or part of your lawn could die.

Compacted Soil

Always Green Hydroseeding, Inc. applies a consistent and even amount of materials on every job we do. We spray on a wide array of soil conditions to the best of our ability. We can not be held responsible for spotty results due to improper soil preparation. Particularly soil compaction where the hydroseed will not bind with soil particles. It is challenging to make an application in these conditions as the hydroseed will tend to slide and pile up. If the application faces substantial rainfall before root development it is very likely you will have spotty results due to the hydroseed sliding on the compacted soil. In a case such as this, it will be best to rent a slice seeder and go over the compacted areas in two directions and incorporate more seed. "Jonathan Green Black Beauty Ultra" will best match the seed we used.

Additional Information

Try not to over water. Too much water will deplete the fertilizer we used in our mix much  more quickly. During hot humid weather too much water will promote fungus. Light watering more often is better. It is best for grass blades to be dry before dark to help prevent pythium blight. 

Your lawn needs to be mowed at least 3 times before you should allow foot traffic, pets, and playing on the lawn. Keep all traffic to a minimum during this important time. It is ok to walk on the lawn to water but just be careful not to walk in the same areas all the time.

Hydroseed will grow in many conditions but over time if there is not enough sunlight your lawn will deteriorate. We highly recommend 3-4 hours of filtered sunlight to have a quality lawn. You may need to cut back some tree limbs to let more light through. Moss growth is a good indicator of a lack of light.

We hope the information has above has helped you resolve your problem. If it has not please contact us and let us know what is going on with your lawn. We recommend 
emailing us with pictures if possible for a faster resolution.

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Troubleshooting Tips


Hydro Seed Troubleshooting Tips | Always Green Hydroseeding - RI

Hydro Seed Troubleshooting Tips | Always Green Hydroseeding - RI

Always Green, Inc.



192 Poor Farm Road
Coventry, RI 02816

Water blocked by tree
Not enough water in hotter temperatures
Washout from downspout
Pet urine acts as nitrogen for a starving lawn
Lack of Nitrogen Fertilizer
Never Fertilized
Pythium Blight
Mycelium seen in the morning
Severe case of Pythium Blight
Hydroseed on compacted soil
Word Press